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reform bill [Act] (1832年英國的)選舉法修正法案[條令]。

reform church

Declaring that “ the status quo is unacceptable , ” president bush urged republican senators tuesday to sign on to his immigration reform bill , but many in his own party said the president should secure america ' s borders first before they would consider legalizing as many as 12 million unlawful immigrants “現狀是不可接受的”布什總統宣稱,并督促共和黨議員在周二簽署他的移民改革法案,但是大部分同黨人士表示,總統應當把確保美國邊境安全作為當務之急,之后再考慮如何使1 . 2千萬非法移民合法化的問題。

One of macain ' s biggest problems with conservetive republicans voters came 2 year ago when it correspondencier thanhe co - sponsored an immigration reform bill , that the they said amounted to an amnesty for 12 million foreigners who have entered into the united states illegally 麥凱恩與保守派共和黨選民的最大矛盾之一在兩年前就產生了,那時他與其他人共同提出了一項移民改革法案,他們稱該法案將特赦1200萬非法進入美國的入境者。

The president found strong support among the members of the chamber of commerce , which has been advocating an immigration reform bill that includes a guest worker program 布什總統得到了美國商會成員的大力支持。美國商會一直提倡移民改革法案要包含一個臨時客工計劃。

The u . s . senate has drastically revised a guest worker program that is a key provision of a controversial new immigration reform bill 美國國會參議院對一項客工計劃作出重大修改,客工計劃是這項有爭議新移民改革議案中的關鍵條款。

Among the chamber ' s initiatives : to lobby lawmakers to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill in 2007 商業協會最初有一個動機:就是游說立法者在2007年通過一項廣泛的移民改革法案。

Among the chamber ' s initiatives : to lobby lawmakers to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill in 2007 在商會的主動權中:對于議院法律制定者通過全面的2007年移民改革法案。

The news comes as america focuses on poverty for another reason : the tenth anniversary of the welfare - reform bill 新聞報道美國關注貧窮的另一個原因是:福利改革法案十周年。

The white house says the guest worker program is a crucial component of the overall reform bill 白宮表示,客工計劃是全面移民改革議案的重要組成部份。

Between 1832 and 1884 three reform bills were passed 1832年至1884年間通過了三個改革法案。

Lobbying reform bill that exempts taxpayer - funded government 這真正地是我們的